Vision Impact Personnel Training

help support the vision of your leader

Vision Facilitator Training: Music Ministry

1.    Arrive on time. Unless you attend rehearsal directly from work (kudos to you), establish the routine of getting to rehearsal on time. Prompt arrival demonstrates respect for the ministry.

2.    Avoid choking/breathing hazards. Choking hazards can be avoided by removing gum, candy, or throat lozenges from your mouth before singing.

3.    Start time. Once rehearsal TIME is in effect, all talking shall cease except for designated music ministry leaders in conference among themselves. Non-leaders of the music ministry shall remain attentive and await further instruction from music ministry leadership.

4.    Devotion. Follow the prescribed order for dedicating rehearsal service. Typically, a song, scripture reading, and prayer are offered before commencing rehearsal and/or business activity.

5.    Look at the speaker. Your undivided attention increases good stewardship of time management for the choir to learn lyrics, new arrangements to old songs, and to perfect singing techniques. Valuable rehearsal time is wasted bringing the choir to order for the speaker and/or changes to music to be heard.

6.    No sidebar discussions. Constrain yourself from starting conversations while a music ministry leader addresses the choir and/or consults with a fellow leader. If you have a question, signal the music ministry leader; and then, patiently wait to be acknowledged. Likewise, do not force a fellow choir member to compromise adherence to this rule by initiating discussion.

7.    No unsolicited commentary. Remarks given by music ministry leaders may inspire a thought or a comment you may want to share. To make your comment, signal the music ministry leader; and then, patiently wait to be acknowledged. Please refrain from outbursts, talking out of turn, or rebellious feedback. Exercise temperance when emotionally-charged topics arise threatening to incite intense exchanges so the issues may be addressed after rehearsal with music ministry leaders.

8.   Sit straight with pleasant facial expression. After the song service, you continue to minister to the congregation through your presence. Refrain from sitting sideways, slouching, and placing hands and/or arms on the backs of the chairs.

9.   Support fellow members. Encourage fellow singers who may struggle with executing a technique and/or perfecting delivery of a song.

10.   Schedule personal rehearsal reinforcement. Practice warm up techniques outside of rehearsal. Your voice and/or performance technique will enhance to meet demands on your anointing in the music ministry.

11. Enhance your knowledge of music ministry. Search the scriptures to learn the role of music in the history of the Bible. Study other material on music to stay motivated to stir up your gift.

12.  Maintain personal health for strength to minister. Eat well and rest properly to strengthen your body to meet the demand placed on your anointing in the music ministry.


Arceneaux, Eric. Singing High Notes: Belting With Intensity

Bady, Percy. Studio Recording Session for Kingdom Inspiration Project


August 31, 2009 - Posted by | Vision/Mission Statement/Focus | , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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